9:9 Portal Healing Package

£ 255.00

A healing package to help you tap into more of your personal power.  Channeled Crystalline energies of the 9:9 a portal.  The 9:9 Portal is all about spiritual awakening and rebirth.  Energies sent to heal and uplift your energy.  Heals past experiences.  Energies sent to heal and release the ego mind.  This means less negative […]


A healing package to help you tap into more of your personal power.  Channeled Crystalline energies of the 9:9 a portal.  The 9:9 Portal is all about spiritual awakening and rebirth.  Energies sent to heal and uplift your energy.  Heals past experiences.  Energies sent to heal and release the ego mind.  This means less negative thought interference.  Integrating you into new, higher frequency energies.  Helps to clear physical ascension symptoms.  Healing for the physical body.  Helping to integrate you into your new light body.  Healing for the light body.  Helps to better align you with the Cosmic Energies.  Opening you up to more abundance, love, and fulfillment.  Channeled energies of the 9:9 Portal.  Connecting you with this auspicious celestial alignment.  This Cosmic Gateway connects the physical world to the spiritual realm.  Connects you with these energies.   Will accelerate your spiritual journey.  Channeled Divine Energies to help you to heal limiting beliefs.  Become more authentic in yourself.  Align your desires with the cosmic flow of energies.  Manifesting your dreams into reality with more ease.  Helps you to better connect with your higher self, to receive more guidance, higher awareness, and spiritual insights.   Heals your energy.  Helping you to purge out negative energies, cleanse your aura, creating a space for more positive manifestations.  Healing to rejuvenate, recharge, and align.


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