Clear Your Ex’s Energy From Your Life

£ 211.00

A good clearing for any x partners.  We have sex and our karmic partners uploads all of their issues, and karmic templates into us.  We get corded and absorb their karmic patterns.  If you have a partner with a lot of karma you’re exposed to negative karma.  A good clearing for any energy not your […]


A good clearing for any x partners.  We have sex and our karmic partners uploads all of their issues, and karmic templates into us.  We get corded and absorb their karmic patterns.  If you have a partner with a lot of karma you’re exposed to negative karma.  A good clearing for any energy not your own.  Heal and restore your romantic templates.  Negative partners cause negative distortions.   You are an energy sponge and have been soaking up other people’s energy.  The more intimate the more you absorb.  If you had sex with someone you’re probably still carrying around their energy.  Release your ex (or all your ex’s) once and for all. This way, you will become free and clear to step into a brand new and wonderful relationship.  Clear all of your ex’s energies from your being.  Free and clear yourself of your former partners.  Clear all of your x partners energies from your system.  Release the remnants of any emotional baggage from previous relationships.  A good cord cutting too.


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