Healing For 3rd Party Situation

£ 211.00

Have a third party situation? This can look like your Flame is stuck in an X or in a relationship with someone else.  It can trigger so much for the other flame.  This can look like your flame haven’t healed enough to be with you or isn’t ready.  This is an amazing healing for healing […]



Have a third party situation? This can look like your Flame is stuck in an X or in a relationship with someone else.  It can trigger so much for the other flame.  This can look like your flame haven’t healed enough to be with you or isn’t ready.  This is an amazing healing for healing you to clear any past relationships or current one’s going on for both you and your twin flame.  Clearing karmic energies from your life and your situation.  People from outside the connection can become major blocks to Union.  A clearing for these blocks.


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