Karmic Healing And Clearing For Cords, Hooks, And Knots

£ 255.00

Heal and clear your energetic connections.  Every emotional interchange and intense interaction we have with another person creates energetic cords that connect us with these people.  These cords hook into our chakras, our energy bodies, even our physical body, and then act as conduits of energy, and energy flows along these cords until the cords […]



Heal and clear your energetic connections.  Every emotional interchange and intense interaction we have with another person creates energetic cords that connect us with these people.  These cords hook into our chakras, our energy bodies, even our physical body, and then act as conduits of energy, and energy flows along these cords until the cords are cut or dissolved.  This is the energetic basis for the formation of karma between individuals.  Karma, in this instance, is simply strong, unbalanced energy flowing between two people, and that strong energy seeks to flow between both people until the energy flow is equilibrated or the connection is broken.  Some people can push negative thoughts or emotions out into the world or specifically to transmit such thoughts or emotions to us, whether by intention or unconscious design, that energy can be transmitted instantly through the energetic hooks and cords that bind us to them.  We all have experienced many instances when other people have sought to impose their own will on us, to force us to do what they want, to force us to feel what they want us to feel, to force us to behave in the way they see us behaving, which often has nothing at all to do with our own Higher Purpose or personal preferences.  In these cases, these people may have been transmitting their energy through hooks and cords to us, and that strong energy can shift us off center and even cause us to experience thoughts, feelings and actions of others as if they were our own.  In other cases, people may be connected to us who are needy in one way or another, dependent upon us, or looking to us for aid and assistance.  In such cases, we may find that any emotional interchange with such individuals can result in an increased flow of our energy to the other individuals, even to the point that such an energy flow becomes a drain upon our inner resources, and results in a depletion of our vitality.  People are inter-connected energetically in so many different ways and often through these hooks and cords, for so many different reasons, that the average person’s aura looks a lot like a pin cushion when we look through our subtle vision.  In adults, hooks and cords are the result of emotional trauma, family dynamics, love and sex relationships, serious conflicts with others and from karmic patterns.  Heal these type of negative connections.  The normal human adult will have some hooks and cords type energetic connections that vibrate on a very high frequency, some that vary in frequency and transmit both some positive and some negative emotions, and other connections that transmit substantial negative energy.  Heal and release any energetic connections that result from karma that creates patterns of negative behavior, negative emotions and negative thought-forms.  Let go of any negative karma that you have with others whose energies interfere with your own free will and Higher Purpose.


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