Masterclass: Healing And Getting To Know Yourself – So Now You’re In Separation Or Single… What To Do (Practice Self Love, Self Care And Dating Yourself)

£ 111.00

This is an amazing class.  I send you a pdf handbook.  Great tips on healing yourself if you find you’re guided to be alone, recovering from a breakup, of navigating spaces of Twin Flame seperation.  Connect on a deeper level with yourself.  Vibrate into a higher frequency of more self love.  Heal areas that need […]



This is an amazing class.  I send you a pdf handbook.  Great tips on healing yourself if you find you’re guided to be alone, recovering from a breakup, of navigating spaces of Twin Flame seperation.  Connect on a deeper level with yourself.  Vibrate into a higher frequency of more self love.  Heal areas that need it.  Has journal writing prompts in it.  Tap into more gratitude.  How to put your self care first.  Great little handbook with some amazing tips.