Messages From Spirit – Book 1

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Check out Ra’s new book!  Feeling a pull to follow and work with Spirit she ends up traveling across the World to the UK into the world of the Fae. She takes you through her experiences of visiting some of the worlds most Spiritual Sacred Sites, the Earth’s Chakras, and Crop Circles. Amazing for anyone trying to heal more, or to tap into Spirit and recognizing the signs more.


Guided by Spirit this true life story of a Girl’s Journey to clear her family trauma and karma to go one to be a powerful Empath and Galactic Healer. Her story takes you through her memories of her own spiritual awakening from the start of her life. She takes you through the childhood abuse she experienced, the the death of her Mother, addiction, several Near Death Experiences, and into her Divine Assignment as a Lightworker. Feeling a pull to follow and work with Spirit she ends up traveling across the World to the UK into the world of the Fae. She takes you through her experiences of visiting some of the worlds most Spiritual Sacred Sites, the Earth’s Chakras, and Crop Circles. Amazing for anyone trying to heal more, or to tap into Spirit and recognizing the signs more.