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Starseed DNA Activation Package
Activates your Starseed DNA. This activates your desire to want to help the Planet. Get on a whole save the Planet vibe. Activate your Starseed DNA to activate more of your mission and healing gifts. Activate your Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda, Mintaka, Lyra, Orion, Centauri and Antares DNA. Activate your Starseed DNA and the higher […]
Activates your Starseed DNA. This activates your desire to want to help the Planet. Get on a whole save the Planet vibe. Activate your Starseed DNA to activate more of your mission and healing gifts. Activate your Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda, Mintaka, Lyra, Orion, Centauri and Antares DNA. Activate your Starseed DNA and the higher frequencies and light codes that you carry. You came to Earth to support and uplift humanity into this new era and into higher dimensional shifts. Activating your cosmic DNA and gifts. Will super charge your gifts. These gifts include; telepathy, astral travel, communication, light language, light code activations, healing abilities, levitation, channeling, telekinesis and all the clair senses. Awaken more of your gifts and potential. You carry with you tons of Starseed DNA. This gives you special gifts and abilities. Activates your spiritual DNA and awakens the light codes embedded within you. Clears fear frequencies so that you can tap into more love. Tap into more of your soul purpose. Find greater meaning to your life. Starseeds are here to assist in the Planetary awakening that is currently underway. Helps you to remember more of who you are on a soul level. Helps you to better sense what is going to happen before it happens. Activates your ability to see beyond the physical world and into the spiritual realm. Activates more of your powerful empathic abilities.
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