Stonehenge Stargate Activation

£ 66.00

We are doing our Stonehenge Stargate activation this weekend.  Friday and Saturday I’ll be around if you want activated from Stonehenge.  Stonehenge is one of my favourite sites to work with and we have the codes of the Lions Gate Portal streaming in.  Stonehenge is a powerful Stargate and this healing will help wake you […]


We are doing our Stonehenge Stargate activation this weekend.  Friday and Saturday I’ll be around if you want activated from Stonehenge.  Stonehenge is one of my favourite sites to work with and we have the codes of the Lions Gate Portal streaming in.  Stonehenge is a powerful Stargate and this healing will help wake you up more and expand your consciousness.  There are 14 major Ley Lines that converge at Stonehenge.  Working with these energies allows us to bring through activation in a from different Star Systems.  This weekend we are channeling the energies of the Earth and of the Pleiades.  This will help your energy so much.  This is being done July 23rd or the 24th.  


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