Tag: 12:12 portal

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We are moving through the peak of the 12:12 Portal Energies.  The energies are going to be coming in strong thru the Solstice.  These are amazing Egypt Initiation energies.  The number 12, and the 12th initiation is always service.  The 12:12 Portal is bringing you codes that you need to activate your mission.  It will…

  • Tomorrow Is An Activation Day…

    Tomorrow Is An Activation Day…

    I’m doing 12:12 Portal Activations all day tomorrow.  These are amazing energies we can be working with for doing healings, activations, and initiations.  Galactic Energies are amazing for tuning into our star origins or working with and activating our galactic dna.  Here is the link to sign up to get activated… https://www.sparksofdivinelighthealing.com/product/1212-portal-activation/ art: @kokeeneva

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    This year is going to close out with an alignment of some amazing Celestial Events and Energies.  Tonight the Moon is glowing with EarthShine.  EarthShine is sunlight being reflected from the Earth.  The light is first reflected from the Earth to the Moon, and back again.  The Moon is always extra amazing and extra lit…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We are still feeling some Eclipse Aftershock vibes.  This month we have some major moves and energies being made.  The Sun and the Moon are super charged right now.  It’s a great time to connect with the energies of either.  We are going to be feeling those energies merging more and more as we move…

  • On The Energies…

    This weekend we will begin a series of Cosmic Events that will lead us into 2021.  Saturday we are going to kick things off with the 12:12 Portal, Sunday is the peak of the Geminids Meteor Shower and Monday we have our New Moon, also a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius.  We also have some powerful…