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Tag: Astrology
On The Energies…
You may want to slow down and rest up today. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring. It’s the Spring Equinox. Just as there is a shift in the seasons happening, there is a shift in the energies happening. During the Spring Equinox we get hit with the most solar wind. The Sun extra activates…
On The Energies…
Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day. Today is a day for healing and tapping into the other side. The veil is wide open right now, which means the spiritual worlds are way open. You may be having more Spirit Messages coming through, vivid dreams, encounters with loved ones in the astrals, and passed loved…
On The Energies…
Lots of energy flowing in. Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day. Galactic Activation Portal Days are the energy nodes, or time wave intersections between Earth and Galactic time. As these two cycles merge they create an accelerated, or amplified frequency. It also opens us up to be able to tap into more cosmic knowledge. …
On The Energies…
Tonight we have a powerful alignment as Jupiter is conjunct Chiron. They meet up in Aries. Chiron always spends longer in Aries than any other sign. Chiron is a healer and a huge activator for our own healing gifts. This means old wounds may be coming up for healing. Today’s alignment is bringing up a…
On The Energies…
We are feeling the Lunar Energies thru tomorrow. We always do in that 3 day space! It may be affecting your sleep, or more may be coming up right now. We have high energies and a lot shifting around this month! This is a good thing. 3:11 we have a Jupiter Conjunct Chiron. The fire…
March Gateway Days…
3:11 Jupiter Conjunct Chiron – Major Healing Gateway. 3:13 Galactic Activation Portal Day. 3:16 Venus Enters Taurus Major Relationship/ Twin Flame Gateway. Major Shift Day. 3:17 Galactic Activation Portal Day. Major Shift Day. 3:20 Equinox. Fairy Gateway. Pleiadian Gateway. 3:21 Shift into Aries Season. 3:22 Aries New Moon. 3:23 Pluto Enters Aquarius – First Time…
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