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Tag: Astrology
On The Energies…
Happy 5:5 Portal. Today is a beautiful Elohim/ Pleiadian Portal. We have powerful Angelic/ Galactic Energies coming through. Your Angels are around you a little extra right now. They are always there if you need support energetically. All you have to do is ask. Due to changes in the Earth’s axis of rotation over time…
On The Energies…
Happy May Day! Today we Celebrate Beltane! We have shifted into a new month. Today is a day for the Goddess. It’s a time of the Earth Energies awakening and activating. It’s also all about the Fairies! You may have somewhat of an Eclipse Hangover. Make sure your taking time to rest and to integrate…
On The Energies…
We are going to be feeling the energies continue to rise over the next few weeks. Tonight’s Solar Eclipse will open a doorway. That space, in between tonight’s Solar Eclipse and the Scorpio Total Lunar Eclipse that will happen May 15th is so powerful. These energies are bringing us a Supercharged Taurus New Moon. Tonight’s…
On Today’s Energies…
4:24:2022. Tonight we have an out of this world alignment of 5 major Planets and the Moon. We have Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Saturn all in an alignment. We also have Neptune in between Jupiter and Venus making this a 5 planet phenomenon. These Planets will also be crowned by the Moon. We also have…
On The Energies…
We are getting ready for Beltane. We are moving through some amazing energies right now. The energies are also now being felt more and more collectively. May 1st is Beltane. This is the half way point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It’s meant to celebrate the beginning of Summer. It’s a great…
On The Energies…
4:22:2022. Tomorrow is a powerful Lyran Portal! It’s also the peak of the Lyrids Meteor Shower. It’s going to kick off a very Galactic Weekend of Energies. Let’s just say things are kicking off with the Sun. We have had like over 20 solar flares coming at us this week. We are all adjusting to…
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