Tag: divine union

  • Venus Shifting Into Pisces…

    We have many shifts in energy occurring right now.  We can expect a huge stream if solar winds the next few days.  Today Venus is shifting into Pisces.  This is really good for relationships.  This placement can really help shift things with our relationships.  This placement will last for several weeks, so we can expect…

  • Shifting To Love..

    The energetic shift should feel apparent.  It’s time to let the lessons you just went through go.  Just as the energy has changed in dynamic and shifted so must your focus.  It’s time to realise you are the foundation of all that is.  It’s time to rebuild something solid.  If there is no spiritual foundation…

  • Living Past The Labels..

    Trying to label love usually turns into very hard lessons.  Love is infinite and there are infinite expressions of it.  Spiritual Union is the ultimate attainment.  To reach this place, you must have healed completely.  You must make every aspect whole again, the ultimate integration of self.  Any labels keep you contained to that label. …

  • Healing With These Energies..



    We need to translate our past wounds into who we are now.  This journey was so hard to get where we are.  You have walked through the flames, yet came out unburned.  This process has made you who you are.  Each lesson by itself was obsolete, you need to view all of them as a…

  • Divine Union



    This is a journey to love.  It must be found within before it’s found in another.  We walk on paths of light, within a Logos made of this love.  To find love within your soul is to know it within all.  To know yourself is to know all.  The spiritual dimensions of love were once…

  • Eternal Fire



    The flame many are seeking externally lies within.  It’s a spiritual fire, found in love.  Many people will seek this in a partner without first mastering their own energy.  We each carry this light within us.  That fire has the ability to transform anyone.  We can experience love or this flame energy with anyone.  The…