Tag: DNA activation

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We are working on activating our light body.  Our light body is out true body, our spiritual body.  It’s how you travel between dimensions.  It’s your true form within, and in the astral and the afterlife.  Our light body is a reflection of our spiritual health.  Within these energies we are clearing layers of density…

  • Incoming Crystalline Energies…

    Incoming Crystalline Energies…



    Within these energies we have such a potential like never before to change our DNA.  We can use these energies to activate our DNA.  We all start out on the minimal 2 strand carbon based template.  Humanity has remained in this system for a long time.  When we run on the minimal templates we tend…

  • On The Energies….

    On The Energies….

    The Equinox is a week away so we are about to really start to feel those energies.  September 20th we have the Harvest Moon.  The September Full Moon always shines in, or near, the stars of Aquarius and Pisces.  This year it falls in Pisces and will be bringing a dreamy vibe.  It’s my favourite…

  • I’m Doing A Special Activation This Week…

    I’m Doing A Special Activation This Week…

    I’m doing a Virgo Season: Healing Activation.  This energy is encoded specifically for your DNA over the next few days.  That makes this week an amazing time to do any healing or activation work.  This activation will help switch on/ turn on your healing/healer DNA.  This will help you heal more fully and will help…

  • I’m Doing 8/8 Portal Activations Today…

    I’m Doing 8/8 Portal Activations Today…

    I’m doing 8/8 Portal Activations today.  It’s the peak of the Lions Gate Portal and we have powerful energies to be working with.  These Galactic energies can awaken our DNA.  If you want to be activated, you just sign up… https://www.sparksofdivinelighthealing.com/product/8-8-portal-activation/ art: @lyla_ab

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We had a wave of energy come in last night that crashed into Earth’s magnetic field, opening a minor crack.  It has sparked a geomagnetic storm.  We are half way to the Autumn Equinox, and in the middle of the Lions Gate Portal, which is very much open.  The Lions Gate is a Cosmic Portal. …