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Tag: earth
Upgrades In Progress..
We have some powerful astrology going on. You may feel like you are in another dimension right now. Expect a fire to be lit in any romantic relationships with this energy. If your in a relationship use this energy to assess where your at. We have a lot of energies merging together to move this…
Incoming Energy..
We are feeling the after effects of this Space Storm. The Earth’s magnetosphere is very excited right now. You can look at the magnetosphere as the Earth’s aura and natural defence system. We have interesting things happening to the energy this month. We are behind schedule with this Ascension. This month we will play catch…
On This Storm..
Friday we had an eruption in the Sun’s Southern Hemisphere. This sent a CME into space. This expanding cloud is headed toward Earth. We can expect for this CME to deliver a blow to Earth’s magnetic field on Wednesday. This may spark a polar magnetic storm. These solar winds have just arrived, there was a…
The Frequencies Are Waking The Collective..
The Schumann Resonance is the base of human consciousness. Just as we have an aura which is made up of an electro magnetic field, so does the Earth. The Schumann Resonance is a background frequency the influences your brain. What is happening with the Earth is changing your brain waves, and influencing your nervous system. …
Yes, The Earth’s Frequencies Are Rising
We are all shifting from our current state of limited consciousness to a higher vibration and a higher level of consciousness. We are freeing ourselves from anything that isn’t serving us and we are evolving spiritually. We are evolving past that illusion of separateness into an enlightened state of unity and oneness. This is a…
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