Tag: energy healing

  • I’m Doing A Special Activation This Week…

    I’m Doing A Special Activation This Week…

    I’m doing a Virgo Season: Healing Activation.  This energy is encoded specifically for your DNA over the next few days.  That makes this week an amazing time to do any healing or activation work.  This activation will help switch on/ turn on your healing/healer DNA.  This will help you heal more fully and will help…

  • Lions Gate Activations…

    Lions Gate Activations…

    I have two activations I’m around doing all weekend! Happy Lions Gate Portal! This is the best time to be doing healing and activation work.  Beautiful energies we can tap into to expand our consciousness and to activate our DNA.  Here are the links to sign up to be activated by me…. Lyran Lions Gate…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We had a wave of energy come in last night that crashed into Earth’s magnetic field, opening a minor crack.  It has sparked a geomagnetic storm.  We are half way to the Autumn Equinox, and in the middle of the Lions Gate Portal, which is very much open.  The Lions Gate is a Cosmic Portal. …

  • Galactic New Year Activation…

    Galactic New Year Activation…



    I have put up a Galactic New Year Activation I’m doing today.  It’s amazing Energies right now.  It’s my favourite time of year.  I just got back from spending a few days at Stonehenge where we did some amazing grid work.  So I have lots of New Codes to share with you.  These are some…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We have a powerful conjunction between Mars and Venus playing out.  The theme this week is healing relationships.  This will help us so much in finding balance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.  These alignments will help to bring the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine back together.  Issues in ego may have…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    Today is the final Eclipse of Eclipse Season.  Our Gemini New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse, called the Ring Of Fire.  This Solar Eclipse will open up a new cycle of Energies that will last unto the next Eclipse Season in November.  This is the best time of the month to stargaze.  It’s a…