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Tag: energy report
On The Energies…
We are still in some powerful energies. We are still going to be really feeling the effects of the Equinox energies, over the next few weeks. During this time we can expect a huge amount of Plasma Solar Energies to continue to stream in. Last night a CME made impact, hitting Earth’s magnetic field. Right…
On The Energies…
The Equinox Portal is open. We are preparing for the Spring Equinox, which will be Saturday. This will also Shift us into a new astrological cycle, as the Sun shifts into Aries. This is the second of the four sky points on the Wheel of the Year. During this time the length of day and…
On The Energies…
We are beginning to emerge from the last wave of Ascension Energies that just came in. March always brings a ton of Cosmic Energies. This weekend’s Pisces New Moon will be bringing some New Energies with it. We are going to continue to receive a ton of Light Codes over the next few weeks. That…
On The Energies…
It’s a New Week and New Energies. Back in December we had the Great Conjunction (Christmas Star) that occurred between Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn have been slowly drifting apart since then. This week we have a Rare Conjunction occurring. Mercury is now coming into view, and the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn will…
On The Energies…
We are going to continue to feel the Ascension Energies pouring in over the next couple of days. Yesterday’s 222 Portal is still open and very much active. This Gateway is extra powerful as we have a Full Moon in Virgo this weekend. We also have tons of incoming Solar Winds, which are powerful combined…
On The Energies…
We have some powerful Energies expected over the next few days. These waves of energy are coming from the Galactic Central Sun, through our Sun. We also have a lot of powerful Planetary Alignments playing out, along side this Ascension. Each Planetary Shift is meant to be taking you into a better alignment. As these…
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