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Tag: Equinox
On These Equinox Energies…
We are in the middle of a massive storm. There is a massive portal open. We have a lot unfolding right now so it’s very important that we are staying in a space of love. We are seeing most of the Planet going into a quarantine. We are going to go through a massive transition. …
Shifting Seasons..
The Winter Solstice is this weekend. This is a changing of the seasons, as the Sun makes its shift into Capricorn. It’s the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and the first day of summer in the Southern Hemisphere. It’s a festive of light and a time of gratitude. At the same time…
Entering The Underworld..
We have a lot we need to bring into balance, both individually and collectively. The wheel is turning and we have shifted seasons into autumn. This is meant to be a time of celebration and gratitude for the progress we have made. Because if this weeks Equinox energy the veil is very thin, which has…
Happy Autumn Equinox..
I will be doing a ceremony/ event from Doll Tor later today. This is a portal to the fairy realms, a doorway to the other worlds. This is a magical forrest and land of the fae to the pagans. These sacred sites are created in perfect astrological alignment, they align with the stars and the…
Preparing To Shift..
We have a lot of energies coming into the Planet at this time. Many people are experiencing a spiritual awakening during this time. Those that are awake are becoming more and more tuned in to the different energies around them. As your frequency is rising, your perception is expanding. We are realising that this Planet…
Energy Report…
We have been going through some powerful energetic shifts. This is a space between Gateways. We have just passed through the 9/9 Portal and and are headed into the Autumn Equinox Gateway. We are doing a lot of upgrades and releasing this week to be ready for the Equinox. This is a good time to…
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