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Tag: indigo
On The Energies…
You may want to slow down and rest up today. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring. It’s the Spring Equinox. Just as there is a shift in the seasons happening, there is a shift in the energies happening. During the Spring Equinox we get hit with the most solar wind. The Sun extra activates…
On The Energies…
Huge Incoming Waves of Galactic Energies coming in right now. We have a solar storm/ solar winds hitting Earth right now that are traveling millions of miles per hour. Expect These Geomagnetic Storms to continue to hit us very strongly thru the 2nd. We are clearing so much. It’s so important that you are reading…
Indigos/ Blue Rays
Once your following your soul mission and purpose you’ll come more and more into focus with the other lightworkers. This time we came here as a group to do this. A specialized group of Galactic Souls were sent to help humanity and the Planet. Volunteers who unlike a lot of the souls here, chose to…
On The Energies…
We have our soul gifts activating. Right now we are continuing to receive DNA activations. We will continue to move through a huge influx of Ascension Energies over the next 48 hours. The next 48 hours we are in a heightened space for manifesting and healing. These are Galactic energies being sent to help the…
On The Energies…
We just had a solar explosion go off. It has hurled a CME towards us. We have an unstable sunspot that will be turning to face Earth later this week. Venus happened to be passing the Sun at the same time that latest blast went off. That means we are feeling these energies extra. …
On The Energies…
We have some Geomagnetic Storms occurring just in time for Christmas. We are still on such a huge momentum energetically from the Solstice. We are going to be feeling the energies building over the next few weeks too. We have been feeling the Solar Flares this week. We have a couple of CME’s on the…
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