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Tag: lightbody
Energy Clearings…
I am here for energy clearings if you need one. You just book it through my site. As we are adjusting to the light, we are purging and clearing a lot of old energies and timelines. Some of the ascension symptoms you may be feeling from the energies are hot flashes, feeling nervous, anxiety, worrying,…
Incoming Light Body Activations…
There is a lot of Energy that’s going to continue to pour in. This entire planet is attempting something never done before. To Ascend an entire planet into higher dimensions. Your Frequency is going up as the Earth’s is continuing to. We are being flooded with Cosmic Energies. While the energy may feel intense, we…
On The Energies…
Aquarius Season starts today. We have lots of incoming energies flowing in with it. We have tons of Solar Winds and Galactic Energies steaming in. As these energies are increasing they are bringing the Geomagnetic Storms. Let’s just say things are shifting and even moving around. You may be really feeling these energies. That’s why…
Shifting Into Sagittarius Season…
We are finishing up Scorpio Season. We are preparing to shift into Sagittarius Season the 22nd. We are really feeling the shift of the energy right now. We are moving from water to fire. All of that emotional energy that came with the past month is beginning to clear. You should be starting to feel…
Energy Update…
I hope everyone is feeling the power behind these energies. Many people are in a state of confusion about what is actually occurring during this time. Don’t be distracted by anything the media is portraying. There has always been an agenda to keep humanity at a low frequency. This is always done through fear. The…
New 5D Templates..
We have the ability to create anything that we want. Despite this being a place for creators many are still creating on the 3rd dimensional templates of separateness. We see poverty, famine, and disease playing out still on these lower timelines. This has always been a journey back to Oneness. You are being encouraged to…
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