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Tag: love
On Today’s Energies…
Our New Moon in Taurus is going to be a Black Moon. This is a rare double header, as it’s the second New Moon in one month. It’s also a Partial Solar Eclipse that’s taking us into our Spring Eclipse Season. All of this is also happening on May Eve. Sunday is Beltane. On May…
On The Energies…
We have a Venus Star Point occurring tomorrow in the sign of Capricorn. Venus will pass between the Earth and the Sun. This is a magical day. The planet of love aligns with our Sun. This Venus Star Point is about to activate your finances and your love life. Venus is in retrograde until Jan…
On The Energies…
The Perseids Meteor Shower peaks tonight. Our Planet is crossing the path of Comet Swift Tuttle until August 24th. That makes tonight the best time to see the Perseids Meteor Shower. Be on the look out for Shooting Stars. There is a lot of magic in the air still. These energies are great for recharging…
On The Energies…
We have a powerful conjunction between Mars and Venus playing out. The theme this week is healing relationships. This will help us so much in finding balance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. These alignments will help to bring the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine back together. Issues in ego may have…
Midsummer Fairy Portal and Capricorn Super Full Moon…
Capricorn Full Moon and Midsummer Fairy Portal. Today’s Full Moon happens to be on Midsummer Day. During this time the veil between worlds is really thin. In these thin spaces fairies and spirits can visit us in our world, and we can sense them more in ours. Today is a day of magic, where other…
Happy Valentines Day!
Tonight we have a Scorpio Moon that is opposite Taurus. That means there is a ton of creative and highly sexual energy flying around. These energies have also been making things very intense. As we continue to move forward with this process we are able to feel more and more. These energies are asking us…
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