Tag: medium readings

  • Spirit Messages Coming Through…

    Spirit Messages Coming Through…

    We are in a powerful space as we are preparing for this weekend’s 4.4 Portal.  The 4.4 Portal is in the middle of the Equinox and Beltane, which is May 1st.  We are in a powerful stream of Galactic Energies and the Veil is really thin right now.  That means the Spiritual Dimensions are much…

  • An Energy Report…

    Things will be slowing down the rest of this week.  We have been integrating a lot of different energies.  We have a lot of upgrades that have came with with them to! Many people have been feeling the activations happening to there lightbody at this time.  We are still in the middle of this Triple…

  • Energy Report…



    We have been going through some powerful energetic shifts. This is a space between Gateways. We have just passed through the 9/9 Portal and and are headed into the Autumn Equinox Gateway. We are doing a lot of upgrades and releasing this week to be ready for the Equinox. This is a good time to…

  • The Lionsgate Portal Is Open!

    This is a powerful time for our spiritual paths.  This energy coming in is creating many new pathways for the collective.  The ancients knew this cosmic energy was a gateway to heaven.  As the Sun merges with Sirius it will activate your energy field, and transmits high vibrational codes to awaken your DNA.  The Lionsgate…

  • Heart Chakra Expansion



    We have a huge emphasis on going within to heal our heart chakra.  Any old wounds or traumas need to be released.  Only in us clearing the emotional debris and energetic baggage we have carried around for far to long can we embody our infinite potential.  We are in the element of Leo and it’s…

  • Chiron Retrograde..

    Chiron has shifted into retrograde giving us an opportunity to cleanse our heart chakra.  This may be bringing up old wounds or programming not serving you.  We took on a lot of karmic lessons and ancestral programming in manifesting into this experience.  This is about letting go and shifting how we see things.  There is…