Tag: medium

  • Super Full Moon in Libra…

    We have a Super Full Moon in Libra tonight.  This is a much needed energy that will bring a lot of balance with it.  Many people have been struggling to process some of the collective events unfolding.  Just know that there is an awakening that will continue to unfold.  We are experiencing a massive expansion…

  • Energy Report…

    We are going into some powerful energies this year.  Many people are becoming increasingly more and more sensitive to these energies.  A lot of the things that are occurring are from these energies.  We are going through a huge recoding process with our DNA.  This is sparking a huge change going on within.  Our entire…

  • Bringing Heaven To Earth..

    We are seeing a lot of people still purging out a lot of negativity.  It’s very important that you are expecting a plot twist.  We are not creating alone and never have been.  So many people are focused on the old.  I want to talk today about how you would think heaven would look.  There…

  • On This Space We Are In..

    I see a lot of people in fear of the dark and even giving their power to it right now.  We are seeing the power of the light in these energies coming into the Planet.  We are being blasted with waves of 5D energy.  So many people are blaming 5G, the government, the Cabal, even…

  • Rethinking The Collective..

    Sometimes we need to take a break to rethink what direction we are going in.  This is an amazing time to rethink where we have evolved to as a society.  It’s not a surprise that we are now seeing an entire system failure.  In a lot of ways we have failed as a society long…

  • On The Energies…

    Many are quarantined at the moment.  This is why it is so important that we are choosing to be very grateful for everything in our life.  Many are seeing that change can come in an instant.  Some of these changes are meant to be a catalyst for our awakening.  This is a time of rapid…