Tag: mercury

  • Full Moon In Virgo..

    We have a Super Full Moon in Virgo tonight.  This Moon will be powerful as it’s going to lead us into the energies of the Equinox.  The seasons are shifting and it’s bringing a lot of new energies with it.  This Full Moon will mean we have made it half way through this Super Moon…

  • An Energy Report…

    Today we have a powerful alignment between Jupiter and Neptune.  This is bringing a lot of positive energy with it.  Make sure your paying attention to any messages your receiving during this time.  We have shifted into Pisces and we have a New Moon in Pisces this Sunday.  We have Mercury that just shifted into…

  • Tips For Mercury Retrograde…

    Tomorrow we celebrate Samhain and shift into Mercury Retrograde.  We have a lot of changes occurring and it’s best to learn how to flow with them.  We have be through a lot of shifts this year.  This is preparing us to enter 2020.  This is a powerful time if year.  Samhain is a time for…

  • Mercury Retrograde Hit List..

    Aries- Time to get creative. Taurus- Time to get a grip on your finances and relationships.   Cancer- You may feel nostalgic, but leave your past in the past, time for closure.   Leo- Work on finishing any old projects.  Get a grip on how your spending money.   Gemini- you will feel this energy…

  • Shifting Into Mercury Retrograde

    We are in Mercury retrograde.  This has powerful effects on this Planets energy.  This Retrograde is going to be about soul contracts, something Mercury governs.  This is a bad time to make any contracts.  Your focus should be on clearing any soul contracts you have had this life.  In many ways these contracts are entangling…

  • Our Planet Is Now Toxic…



    Our planet is now toxic. Humans emit more than 250 billion tonnes of chemical substances a year. We are now harming all life forms on this planet. Every minute of your life your being exposed to thousands of chemicals with every breath you take. Chemical emissions are destroying our planet. They are the largest impact…