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Tag: new earth
On The Energies…
We have a Venus Star Point occurring tomorrow in the sign of Capricorn. Venus will pass between the Earth and the Sun. This is a magical day. The planet of love aligns with our Sun. This Venus Star Point is about to activate your finances and your love life. Venus is in retrograde until Jan…
Sirius Gateway…
It’s the last day of June and we prepare for the New Energies coming with July. We are starting to feel the Energies of the Sirius Gateway that is open from July 3rd-7th. Sirius is our Spiritual Sun, behind our Sun. Sirius is a Gateway to Heaven. The star system Sirius is aligning with our…
Midsummer Fairy Portal and Capricorn Super Full Moon…
Capricorn Full Moon and Midsummer Fairy Portal. Today’s Full Moon happens to be on Midsummer Day. During this time the veil between worlds is really thin. In these thin spaces fairies and spirits can visit us in our world, and we can sense them more in ours. Today is a day of magic, where other…
On The Energies…
We are still integrating the energies from Beltane/ Samhain. We are entering into the 555 Gateway now. These Ascension Energies are a Gateway into expanded states of consciousness. May 5th is a 5-5-5 Portal Day. It’s the 5th day, of the 5th month, of a number 5 year. The number 5 is all about change. …
On The Energies…
We are still in a lot of high frequency energies. Tonight is the peak of the Alpha Centaurid Meteor Shower. This week will be extra magical. These Cosmic Energies are powerful. It’s a great time to tap into your own inner magic. Earth is passing through a cloud of Cosmic debris. As it does, these…
On The Energies…
We continue moving through the energies of this Capricorn New Moon. This is the first New Moon of the year. The ascension waves have really been coming in and many people are feeling them. More and more people are opening up to there spiritual abilities and are becoming more and more sensitive to the energies. …
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