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Tag: new moon
New Moon in Capricorn
We are feeling the first New Moon of 2018! This Moon’s theme is learning! This Moon is extra powerful because Saturn will have just entered Capricorn. Saturn is most comfortable in this sign. If your Moon energy sensitive this will really amplify things. We are seeing power struggles and control dramas resurface. Be careful who…
New Moon In Sagittarius
We are getting ready for 2017 to end! We have our last New Moon the 18th! This Sagittarius New Moon is kickstarting a wave of energy to help inspire and motivate us. This cosmic influx of energy will shake people, waking them up. Think of the energy of this New Moon like a cosmic beam…
New Moon In Scorpio..
We have the New Moon November 18th, in the sign of Scorpio. This is going to be an intense energy that will push you to take action toward your personal goals. Water is all about emotions. This energy will enhance your passion and your perception. Work on self-mastery. This is about freeing ourselves from any…
We Have A New Moon Thursday..
October 19th we have a New Moon in the sign of Libra. This energy is all about finding more balance. We need to use both our heart and our third eye chakras right now. Each is a key to the higher dimensions. We are such a left brained society that we have forgotten how to…
Virgo New Moon..
The 19th-20th we have a New Moon which falls in Virgo. This is the Earth sign that is guiding us all on a healing journey. A lot of people have had emotional wounds surfacing, and we just did a lot of collective purging. This New Moon energy is about bringing your body back into balance.…
Taurus Energy Shifts
I’m in my element.. Taurus.. this energy will only be picking up intensity til our full moon next week.. word of advice anything not built solid is showing cracks and crumbling around you. Let it go if it’s not serving you. Taurus will be shining a flashlight on your love live and your finances. We…
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