Tag: online reiki classes

  • Shift To Virgo…




    We have shifted into Virgo.  We can expect to see huge changes as we move forward with this ascension.  This energy will lead us into the Autumn Equinox.  Many people are noticing the changes occurring throughout consciousness.  An awakening is occurring.  The forces of light have been anchoring this Planet into new grids.  The Galactic…

  • Full Moon In Aquarius Healing Ritual…

    We have some powerful incoming energies.  We are being flooded with photons of light.  These photons carry the codes needed to awaken us to our potential as well as information.  I’m doing a Full Moon Healing ritual today.  This energy is powerful for activating you, upgrading you, and releasing past traumas stored in your energy…

  • Our Classes…

    It’s an amazing time to sign up for a class.  Getting attuned will help open you up as a channel and will enhance your psychic awareness.  Here is a list of the classes that I offer: Usui Reiki Blue Star Healing Shamanic Healing Sirian Blue Star Healing Pleadian Attunment Sacred Path Reiki Ama Deus Shamanic…

  • On The Weeks Energies..




    Uranus has moved from the outer to the inner realm.  This retrograde it’s a good time to go inward.  Pluto and Uranus will be assisting us in detoxing some deeper issues.  We still have Chiron in retrograde which will continue to bring up any old wounds the next several months.  This Full Moon in Aquarius…

  • Full Moon in Aquarius…




    We have a Full Moon in Aquarius the 15th.  This Moon will be very intense as it carries the energy of the Lions Gate with it.  Aquarius is represented by a woman carrying a pitcher of water.  This woman represents the healer and the water represents the heavy emotions, and pain and suffering of the…

  • On The Ascension Energies..




    This is a month is full of some intense energy shifts.  The Lions Gate Portal we just passed through is guarded by two royal Sirian lions.  These are the Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow.  They are guardians and teachers that assist those that pass through the portal with their ascension.  Time and your lessons may…