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Tag: psychic
On The Energies…
You may want to slow down and rest up today. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring. It’s the Spring Equinox. Just as there is a shift in the seasons happening, there is a shift in the energies happening. During the Spring Equinox we get hit with the most solar wind. The Sun extra activates…
On The Energies…
Tonight we have a powerful alignment as Jupiter is conjunct Chiron. They meet up in Aries. Chiron always spends longer in Aries than any other sign. Chiron is a healer and a huge activator for our own healing gifts. This means old wounds may be coming up for healing. Today’s alignment is bringing up a…
On The Energies…
We are feeling the Lunar Energies thru tomorrow. We always do in that 3 day space! It may be affecting your sleep, or more may be coming up right now. We have high energies and a lot shifting around this month! This is a good thing. 3:11 we have a Jupiter Conjunct Chiron. The fire…
On The Energies…
March is a month that will bring huge changes. We have six planets shifting signs. It also brings the Spring Equinox. Expect Massive Energies. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun all will enter Aries. The Ram is always a high energy sign. We will kick march off with one of the most auspicious planetary arrangements…
On The Energies…
Let’s talk Energies. February may feel like the calm before the Storm. All planets are direct this month. Feb 11th Mercury Shifts into Aquarius. Blame any communication issues on the stars. If you’re way in your head, and in your thoughts this may be why. Expect your mental powers to be extra strong during this…
On The Energies…
The energies are so high and still will be over the next few days. This Capricorn Season is great for getting organized right now. If there are things you’re not using getting rid of them. It’s a great time to do a deep cleaning of your home and other spaces. Make sure you’re getting all…
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