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Tag: psychic
On The Energies…
Today is a big Galactic Activation Portal Day. These Gateways allow us to be able to Shift to higher levels of awareness and consciousness. These Portals also shower us in Galactic energies full of Light Codes that Activate our DNA. We are making Big Shifts right now. These Cosmic Energies are powerful. The next several…
On The Energies…
We are going through some major Shifts in the Energies right now. We are feeling lots of Pleiadian and Andromedan Energies right now too! We are Shifting out of Aquarius Season and into Pisces Season. Pisces Season begins the 18/19th. Aquarius Season was all about the mental and the mind. Pisces Season will be bringing…
Preparing For The Solstice Gateway…
We are preparing Now, for the Winter Solstice. The Sun begins a new solar cycle on the Winter Solstice. This is also the first day of Winter. This is a powerful portal. It’s a gateway between worlds. At this time, the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. This means we are most spiritually tuned…
The Star Of Bethlehem…
We are going to feel more and more energy as we draw closer and closer to the Winter Solstice. This year on the Winter Solstice, Jupiter and Saturn will once again collide. This unique alignment will create a light known as the Christmas Star. This is the Star of Bethlehem. The Star of Bethlehem wasn’t…
11:11 Portal Week…
We have some massive shifts ahead of us this week. The 11/11 Portal is already open and peaking. This Gateway will stay open until The 29th too. That makes the month of November powerful. This space is all about manifesting. We can expect some powerful activations to be coming through. It’s important that your keeping…
On The Energies…
We have shifted into Scorpio Season. This week will be intense as it’s bringing lots of different energies. We have Samhain/Halloween, a Blue Moon, lots of Cosmic Rays, and Solar Flares. Samhain/ Halloween is a Portal and it is already open. The spiritual veil, between the spiritual worlds and our world, is at its thinnest…
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