Tag: Reiki

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We are feeling the energies of the Equinox already.  Each season is different and brings different lessons.  The veil between our world, and the spirit world is getting thinner and thinner.  Equinox’s are powerful portals and also crossing points.  We have many leaving, and many preparing to cross over now, this is very much doing…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Happy Harvest Moon! This Pisces Full Moon is super charged with the Energies of the Equinox.  You may feel the storm is coming with this Equinox too.  It very much is too.  This weeks energies have been huge with Mercury shifting Retrograde.  The energies are going to be moving super fast though your life over…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Tonight’s Virgo New Moon is time to be sowing your seeds for the future.  The energies are changing on the Planet and our thoughts are manifesting rapidly.  It’s a great time to be working some magic by setting your intentions.  It’s time to get organized and to get a plan.  Make sure your doing what…

  • Tomorrow Is Sekhem Level 2 Class…

    Tomorrow Is Sekhem Level 2 Class…

    We are doing Sekhem 2 class tomorrow on live video.  You sign up and I send you the group link we are using to live stream from in a FB group.   You will be going over the book on the video.   Here is the link to sign up… https://www.sparksofdivinelighthealing.com/product/sekhem-seichim-level-2/ art: @iammelissaboudreau

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    Incoming Plasma Energies.  That means expect major light body activations this week.  That means many are feeling ascension symptoms.  These changes are happening within the physical body, so they are being felt in all different types of ways on a physical level.  There is a lot of cold and flu like symptoms going around, headaches,…

  • We Are Doing Crystal Reiki Tomorrow…

    We Are Doing Crystal Reiki Tomorrow…



    We are doing a Crystal Reiki Class tomorrow.  This will be at Noon Cali time (8PM UK Time).  This class will teach you how to harness the energies of the Earth and how to heal using crystals.  It’s amazing for all levels too.  The will be a live video (available anytime on replay) a book,…