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Tag: spiritual awakening
On The Energies…
This weekend is an amazing time to rest and integrate the upgrades. We are in big energies for manifesting right now. 2023 really is your year to make your dreams happen. It’s all about what is coming up for you right now that may need healing. Everyone is working through their own unique experiences. We…
On The Energies
Happy Fairy Day!! Comet ZTF is making its closest pass by Earth today. It will be at its closest to our Planet. This Comet is a major sign of a significant and extremely unexpected event. It means it’s going to happen soon! Comets indicate travel, and perhaps even a journey you’re about to go on. …
On The Energies…
Synchronicity is at an all time high with today’s Aquarius New Moon. Nothing is a coincidence. The synchronicities help guide you and also connect larger events in your life. Intuitive nudges, signs that have meaning, feathers, coins, birds, and animals, music, specific songs with great meaning, messages through anything, could be movies, or things you’re…
On The Energies…
Today is the first day of Aquarius Season. The cosmic fog that we have been moving through is now clearing. Aquarius is the water bear. It’s also a very collective oriented sign. The Aquarius New Moon that happens the 21st will be making waves. This is the first New Moon of 2023. This New Moon…
On The Energies…
We have a New Moon in Aquarius Jan 21st. Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac. It’s us bringing fresh energies for the year ahead. The Retrograde Planets Mercury and Mars are now Direct. That means we have been clearing some major blocks, and our path is once again open. Expect the energies to get…
On The Energies…
We had a solar flare hit us last week that was one of the most powerful flares since last year. These flares are kicking a ton of energy towards our Planet. Last week’s flare was a X1.2 class. X-class solar flares put out the most powerful bursts of radiation known to humanity. The energies are…
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