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Tag: spiritual awakening
On The Energies…
Happy Pisces New Moon! As we prepare for Eclipse Season you’re being guided to heal and clear the deeper issues you have going on. Expect new perspectives with Uranus in this mix. We have this New Moon touching Neptune. This is making it extra dreamy right now. Be mindful that you’re not slipping into old…
On The Energies…
Today Mars square Uranus. This is giving you a chance to shift your mindset, and clear anything blocking your success. Expect high energies that may be bringing some tension up. It’s all about getting back on track with your path. Mercury shifts into Aries today where it will stay until May 15th. Expect to feel…
On The Energies…
We have an exact conjunction between Mercury and Neptune. Expect this alignment to activate your senses. Expect a lot to flow through you psychically. Expect a lot of messages and downloads. Pay attention to the spiritual pulls you’re getting right now. They are meant to move you forward on your path. Let them give you…
On The Energies…
Happy 3:3 Portal! Expect huge energies and huge shifts. Expect massive Galactic Energies and Galactic Upgrades. Today is a powerful day for doing healing, and activation work. Make sure you daydreaming a little extra about the life you want, or what you’re trying to manifest. This Gateway is a time for introspection, dreams, and connecting…
On The Energies…
Today is the first day of March. Welcome to a new month, of new energies. March brings us a lot of high energies and the Spring Equinox. Today our Sun in Pisces is sextile Jupiter in Taurus. Expect dreamy energies. Pisces Season is meant to help you to tap into your romantic side. The Planet…
On The Energies…
Happy 2:22 Portal. Expect some major DNA Activations. Last night kicked off a powerful X flare. This could be the first of many flares from Subspot AR3590. This sunspot has an unstable beta-gamma-delta magnetic field that harbors energy for multiple X-class explosions. Expect things to amp up. The energies are getting higher and things always…
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