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Tag: Taurus
On The Energies…
Today we have a Lunar occultation of Neptune. The Moon and Neptune will meet in the constellation Pisces. This is a romantic alignment. Expect dreamy energies. On the same day, the Moon will also be near Mars. This means the Divine Masculine is going through a lot of emotional healing during this time. We are…
On The Energies…
Today Mercury is Conjuncts Venus. Mercury is all about the mind and how we communicate and Venus love and money. Remember Mercury is still Retrograde as it meets up with Venus in Aries. This means we still have a focus on healing and letting go of the past until it shifts direct the 25th. As…
On Today’s Energies…
We are in some beautiful energies. Today is the peak of the Pleiadian Portal. Today Earth, and the Sun are in perfect alignment with the Pleiades. The Planet is being flooded with lots of high frequency Galactic Energies. We are receiving a lot of energies from Orion and Sirius right now too. Things are shifting…
On The Energies…
This New Moon in Taurus is bringing some powerful New Energies. It’s bringing some massive influxes of light and major DNA Upgrades with it. Taurus Season has unlocked a powerful Portal into more Pleiadian Energies. The Veil between the physical world and the spiritual world is becoming thinner and thinner. Angels are always able to…
We Meditate Tomorrow…
We are coming together to meditate Tuesday for the Taurus New Moon. This Moon is especially powerful for healing and manifesting. We are going to be coming together to meditate and do some activation work. This meditation will be at 5pm UK time. Once you sign up you will be given access to a private…
On The Energies…
We are within the Beltane/ Samhain Gateway. This is a time when the veil between worlds is thin. The Spirit World is closer then our own right now. In the North it’s the beginning of Summer, and in the South it’s the beginning of Winter. Beltane is halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer…
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