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Tag: Taurus New moon
On The Energies…
Welcome to our Taurus New Moon. This is a powerful manifestation portal. We have a triple conjunction of Planets happening. There is a rare alignment with Venus, Jupiter and Uranus. Venus brings us love, desires, and attraction. Jupiter brings us good luck and good fortune. Uranus brings change and upheaval. This New Moon is especially…
On The Energies…
Today we continue to move through the Eta Aquariids Meteor Shower. Earth is passing through debris left behind from Halley’s Comet. You couldn’t get more magical energies. Today is also my birthday. It’s all about daydreaming, manifesting, and love as we prepare for tomorrow’s Taurus New Moon. This is one of the more powerful New…
On The Energies…
Today we have a Lunar/ Saturn occultation. Saturn will be near the Moon. An occultation is when two objects come so close that their disks overlap. This is the most extreme conjunction. The Moon and Saturn will both meet up in Aquarius. Expect powerful energies. The Eta Aquariid meteors streak through the sky this week. …
On The Energies…
We are in some powerful energies right now. The rest of May gets interesting. We have kicked off the May Pleiadian Alignment. During the May alignment Pleiades is in a Conjunction with our Sun. As our Sun is passing very close to the Pleiades it’s being supercharged with Galactic Energies. We also have ten days…
On The Energies…
We can expect to be in a strong G3-class geomagnetic storm today. The solar flares seem to keep coming. Stay grounded and extra hydrated right now. If the old is coming up, working through and releasing it. We shift out of Mercury Retrograde the 14th and into a 2 week Retroshade Period. May 15th –…
On Today’s Energies…
Our New Moon in Taurus is going to be a Black Moon. This is a rare double header, as it’s the second New Moon in one month. It’s also a Partial Solar Eclipse that’s taking us into our Spring Eclipse Season. All of this is also happening on May Eve. Sunday is Beltane. On May…
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