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Tag: Taurus
On The Energies…
We are still in a stream of Solar Winds. We will be within this energy stream the rest of today too. The Earth’s magnetic field has been very unsettled the past few days. Today the Sun, and Mercury Shift into Taurus. Let’s just say things are moving around. This Shift is going to bring a…
On The Energies…
The next 48 hours will be very intense energetically. We are at a k4 index already. This energy will lead us into the last wave of 444 energy and the closing of that portal. We also have a New Moon In Taurus which will be anything but subtle. This third wave of energy also happens…
On The Energies…
Today is the last day of a 3 day perfect alignment between Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Moon. You should feel in better alignment. We are shifting out of Aries Season and into Taurus Season this Sunday. The entire Universe is conspiring to assist you. The Planets have been in perfect alignment with your spiritual…
Happy Valentines Day!
Tonight we have a Scorpio Moon that is opposite Taurus. That means there is a ton of creative and highly sexual energy flying around. These energies have also been making things very intense. As we continue to move forward with this process we are able to feel more and more. These energies are asking us…
Portals, Meteors, Fireballs, Shooting Stars, and a Full Moon
We are going through a portal tomorrow for 11/11. At the same time we will also have Mercury making a rare transit across the Sun. this is meant to bring an extra lucky energy. This Full Moon in Taurus is allowing us to instant manifest. We also have it raining comets on Mercury, as well…
Shifts In Love And Finances..
We can expect many plot twists in your story. Venus has arrived to her home Taurus. While things may feel slow moving in areas such as love and finances, they are anything but. The only obstacles to you living your dream life are you. The resistance has always been your own blocks. Get ready for…
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