Tag: third eye

  • On The Energies..

    We are shifting.  We continue through this Energy Gateway.  It’s acting as a bridge carrying us into the new.  The things no longer serving you are falling away.  The people and situations that are no longer a match to your energy are dissipating around you.  We are simply clearing space for the new to arrive. …

  • New Moon Meditation And Activation-Monday

    On Monday I’ll be doing a live guided Meditation on Facebook.  I’ll also be doing a New Moon Activation through my website.  I will be working with the energies of Neptune.  This is to activate your own inner knowledge.  This Moon will be unique in its energetic effects.  The Moon energies will last for about…

  • Our Stonehenge Activation..



    Make sure you sign up for our Stonehenge activation I’m doing on the Solstice This last Space Storm of year will be powerful.  It will be a combination of Lunar, Solar, and Ley Line energies.  I’ll also be doing any of our class attunments there if it’s something you are interested in.  I’m going to be…

  • To Realize We Are Dreaming..

    We are attempting to push back any constraints of the mind.  Our sleep is the best insight we can get into our subconscious.  This is our week of rest.  It’s the best time to be exploring the dream states.  This is amazing energy for lucid dreaming and astral travel.  To be lucid you gain some…

  • Egyptian Energies

    Your past is coming back to be cleansed.  This is the day of purification the Hopi prophesied.  The world is collapsing and forming something new.  Old wounds are coming to the surface.  Our past timelines in Egypt are colliding in the Now as this consciousness group once again gets ready to collide on one timeline. …

  • Our Healing Classes, and Specials We Have Going On…

    We are manifesting Reiki students! We have a few specials going on right now. If you buy Reiki level 1 you get level 2 free, if you buy level 2 you get level 3 for free, if you spend over $50 in our store you get a free 3rd eye activation! No coupons needed! If…