Tag: time

  • The Event Is Now

    Your losing your memories because your past is being rewritten.  These timeline shifts are changing your past experiences more and more.  Your entire Akashic is being rewritten.  If your having a hard time retrieving a memory of something then it’s because it’s been erased.  You may be remembering entire experiences with another person that they…

  • Transcending Time



    Our egos have this need to try to organize everything, including time.  There is this idea that time is fixed to a particular frequency of a clock.  Your experiences are based on a brain chemistry.  When we experience R.E.M. sleep cycles, we transcend time and space.  We enter into otherwise inaccessible areas of consciousness.  During…

  • Traveling

    People are only now beginning to understand the natures of true time outside of thier current enslavement programs.  Our Universe is one of many, they are always bouncing off of each other like infinite marbles.  Time is an illusion.  There is only ever the moment you are in.  Linear time is just moving from one…