Tag: Vibrations

  • Portals, Meteors, Fireballs, Shooting Stars, and a Full Moon

    We are going through a portal tomorrow for 11/11.  At the same time we will also have Mercury making a rare transit across the Sun.  this is meant to bring an extra lucky energy.  This Full Moon in Taurus is allowing us to instant manifest.  We also have it raining comets on Mercury, as well…

  • Transcending Time



    Our egos have this need to try to organize everything, including time.  There is this idea that time is fixed to a particular frequency of a clock.  Your experiences are based on a brain chemistry.  When we experience R.E.M. sleep cycles, we transcend time and space.  We enter into otherwise inaccessible areas of consciousness.  During…

  • Quantum Connection



    Our reality has a lot to do with technology at this point. With the increase in technology we saw very real changes beginning to occur.  Technology was used for the negative on humanity.  These are not technologies of this world, that have come together to create these enslavement programs.  We have hidden encryption keys that have a capacity…

  • Traveling

    People are only now beginning to understand the natures of true time outside of thier current enslavement programs.  Our Universe is one of many, they are always bouncing off of each other like infinite marbles.  Time is an illusion.  There is only ever the moment you are in.  Linear time is just moving from one…

  • Sex As An Energy Transfer



    There is a lot of manipulation or supernatural energies and forces occurring around us.  Any type of psychic attack is when dark or negative energetic vibrations are sent to a person.  This creates disturbances in the energetic body.  The energies manifest into negative entities.  Auras become weakened from many things.  Negative emotions and drugs weaken…

  • Bringing The Star Seeds Home

    We are stuck on a loop, of time within time.  Humans concept of time is the ultimate enslavement program.  I’ve seen the places I existed before this life.  Just one persons Akashic for this cycle alone is completely beyond my own level of comprehension.  We have had so many experiences that have led up to…