Super Full Moon in Libra…

We have a Super Full Moon in Libra tonight.  This is a much needed energy that will bring a lot of balance with it.  Many people have been struggling to process some of the collective events unfolding.  Just know that there is an awakening that will continue to unfold.  We are experiencing a massive expansion in consciousness.  The frequencies are going up.  Many are going through massive internal energy shifts.  These shifts will reflect in their outer realities more and more.  As these Divine energies continue to stream into the Planet more and more will continue to be peeled back.  While things may seem to be getting dramatic, remember it’s needed.  We have people at all different levels of learning and many are just awakening.  We are just seeing more and more of what’s there.  This Full Moon is going to assist us in balancing these energies.  It’s also a Pink Moon! Pink is the colour of universal love.  Many are feeling the effects of the fire that came with Aries Season, so this will bring a refreshing energy to the dynamic.  We have a major focus on relationships during this time.  Air is a powerful element and is meant to assist us in clearing the way.  This is a good time to be getting organised with your life.  It’s a powerful time for spring cleaning.  It’s time to get rid of anything no longer resonating with you.  This is about building a life that is in alignment with who you are spiritually.  Use this space to simplify your life.  It’s time that we are getting back to what is essential.  This weeks energy is powerful for manifesting.  The 4/4 portal has opened a rainbow bridge that will lead us into Easter.  We are in a powerful space for healing.  Use these energies to find a deeper alignment.